Efek Penambahan Sorbitol terhadap Karakteristik Film Bioplastik Berbasis Kitosan dan Agar
Bioplastik merupakan material kemasan berbasis biomassa atau bahan terbarukan yang dapat digunakan untuk menanggulangi sampah plastik. Agar dan kitosan diketahui dapat disintesis menjadi bioplastik. Namun, karakteristik mekanik campuran agar dan kitosan masih belum sesuai dengan ekspektasi yakni memiliki nilai elongasi yang rendah. Plasticizer sangat dibutuhkan untuk memperbaiki karakteristik bioplastik. Penggunaan sorbitol sebagai plasticizer dalam pembuatan bioplastik berbasis agar dan kitosan hingga saat ini belum dilaporkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan konsentrasi sorbitol terbaik terhadap peningkatan karakteristik bioplastik berbasis agar dan kitosan. Metode yang dilakukan adalah mencampurkan sorbitol dengan konsentasi 0%, 1%, 1,25%, dan 1,5% (b/v) pada larutan utama bioplastik yaitu larutan agar 1% dan larutan kitosan 2%. Karakteristik bioplastik diketahui dengan melakukan uji ketebalan, kuat tarik, elongasi, daya serap air, gugus fungsi dengan FTIR, dan uji degradasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi sorbitol mempengaruhi karakteristik bioplastik. Formulasi bioplastik terpilih yaitu perlakuan penambahan sorbitol 1,25% dengan nilai ketebalan, daya serap air, kuat tarik, dan elongasi masing-masing sebesar 0,096±0,004 mm, 18,80±0,94%, 18,83±2,93 MPa, 95,89±12,62%. Bioplastik dengan 1,25% sorbitol membutuhkan waktu untuk terdegradasi sempurna selama 20 hari. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah karakteristik mekanis dari bioplastik berbasis kitosan dan agar dapat ditingkatkan dengan penambahan sorbitol 1,25%
Bioplastic is a packaging material based on biomass or renewable materials that can be used to address plastic waste. Agar and chitosan are known to be able to be synthesized into bioplastic. However, the mechanical characteristics of agar and chitosan mixture are still not in line with expectations, particularly having low elongation values. Plasticizers are highly needed to improve the characteristics of bioplastics. The use of sorbitol as a plasticizer in the production of agar and chitosan-based bioplastics has not been reported to date. The aim of this research is to determine the optimal concentration of sorbitol for improving the characteristics of agar and chitosan-based bioplastics. The method involved mixing sorbitol at concentrations of 0%, 1%, 1.25%, and 1.5% (w/v) in the main bioplastic solution, which consists of 1% agar solution and 2% chitosan solution. The characteristics of the bioplastic were determined by conducting tests on thickness, tensile strength, elongation, water absorption, functional groups using FTIR, and degradation tests. The results of this study showed that the concentration of sorbitol affects the characteristics of bioplastics. The selected bioplastic formulation was the treatment with the addition of 1.25% sorbitol, with thickness, water absorption, tensile strength, and elongation values of 0.096±0.004 mm, 18.80±0.94%, 18.83±2.93 MPa, and 95.89±12.62%, respectively. Bioplastic with 1.25% sorbitol required 20 days to degrade completely. In conclusion, the mechanical characteristics of chitosan and agar-based bioplastics can be improved by the addition of 1.25% sorbitol.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jpbkp.v19i1.949
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