Komposisi Nutrisi Rumput Laut Calcareous Halimeda opuntia pada Lingkungan Perairan Indonesia
Nutritional Composition of Calcareous Seaweed of Halimeda opuntiain Indonesian Water Environment
Halimeda opuntia is a calcareous Chlorophyta that contains nutritional value as functional food. However, nutritional composition may shift as the effect of environmental changes by nutrient and other organic run-off that commonly happened in Indonesian coastal waters. This research aims to identify the nutritional composition shift in H. opuntia that lived at intertidal zones, as a baseline for location consideration to get the raw material of H. opuntia for functional food products development. H. opuntia samples were collected from Binuangeun (Banten), South Lampung, East Lombok (NTB), and South Konawe (South East Sulawesi) waters. Nutritional value of targeted seaweed was characterized by moisture, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and crude fiber. The environmental condition was accessed for DO, pH, salinity, pCO2 , calcium aragonite, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and ammonia), and dissolved inorganic phosphate. Results of the study showed that the eutrophic environment affecter significantly to nutritional composition of H. opuntia. pH and salinity positively determined the content of carbohydrate (R2 = 0.75 at p<0.05). Moreover, dissolved inorganic nitrogen negatively determined to the content of protein and fat. (R2 = 0.81 and 0.61 at p<0.05). Therefore, based on the nutritional composition, it may suggest the H. opuntia that lived in the natural environment will be more prospective as functional product raw material than similiar organisms living in eutrophic waters.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15578/jpbkp.v12i1.291
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