Squalen Bulletin of Marine and Fisheries Postharvest and Biotechnology

Squalen publishes original and innovative research to provide readers with the latest research and knowledge on, emerging technologies of marine and fisheries postharvest and biotechnology from tropical waters.

The Journal also publishes review articles by invitation that providing an overview and discussion of the latest developments in topics of specific interest to researchers in this field of activity.

Scope :

1) Marine and fisheries postharvest, preservation and processing, including  mechanization engineering
2) Fish and fishery products quality and safety 
3) Marine ecology and pollution related to fish and fishery products
4) Biodiscovery/marine natural products 
5) Marine biotechnology and bioprocess engineering

Editor in Chief: Dr. Tatty Yuniarti, ST. M.Si  More info about Editorial Team here.

International Diversity of Editors/Editorial Board: 12 Editors in 8 countries. 
Indonesia (5); Malaysia (1);  United States (1);  Iran (1); Germany (1); Japan (1); Mexico (1); Australia (1).
| Time to First Decision = 1 week | Review Time = 8 weeks | Publication Time = 3 weeks | Current Acceptance Rate = 30% |

Time to First Decision is the average number of weeks it takes for an article to go from manuscript submission to the initial decision on the article whether it will be rejected, revised before review, or continued to review process, including standard and desk rejects.
Review Time is the average number of weeks it takes for an article (after the first decision) to go through the editorial review process for this journal, including standard and desk rejects.
Publication Time is the average number of weeks it takes to reach from manuscript acceptance, layouting process, to the first appearance of the article PDF fulltext online (with DOI).
Current Acceptance Rate is percentage of submitted articles accepted during a calendar year; the total number of articles accepted out of the total number of articles submitted in the same year.


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Vol 19, No 3 (2024): December 2024

Table of Contents


Variations in Milling Time and Their Impact on the Bio-Calcium Properties of Red Snapper Fish Bones
Novia Anggraeni, Eko Nurcahya Dewi, Antonius Budi Susanto, Putut Har Riyadi
: 10.15578/squalen.918 | Abstract views : 99 times |
Functional Properties of Protein Hydrolysates from Skipjack Tuna Byproducts Using Response Surface Methodology
Dwi Yanuar Budi Prasetyo, Tri Winarni Agustini, Gemala Anjani, Putut Har Riyadi
: 10.15578/squalen.929 | Abstract views : 221 times |
Antioxidant Activity from the Byproducts of Pindang Hydrolysed by Trypsin from Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)
Faiza A. Dali, Nurjanah Nurjanah, Hanifah N. Lioe, Maggy T. Suhartono
: 10.15578/squalen.879 | Abstract views : 147 times |
The Marine Actinobacterium Streptomyces sp. BTA 1-131 as a Potential Producer of Anti-Nontuberculous Mycobacterial (Anti-NTM)
Ni Luh Putu Vidya Paramita, Akhirta Atikana, Linda Sukmarini, Febriana Untari, Muhammad Bagas Prayoga, Faiqoh Nur Maulidia, Shanti Ratnakomala, Puspita Lisdiyanti, Titik Nuryastuti, Triana Hertiani
: 10.15578/squalen.882 | Abstract views : 148 times |
Prospecting New Antimicrobial Peptide from Gracilaria spp. Active-peptide Hydrolysate against Pathogenic Bacteria using Proteomic Approach
Klara Kharisma Bunga Chandra, Tri Rini Nuringtyas, Tri Joko Raharjo
: 10.15578/squalen.942 | Abstract views : 123 times |
Effects of Storage Conditions on the Astaxanthin, Moisture, and Aerobic Microorganisms of Spiced Sergestid Shrimp
An Binh Pham, Long Bach Tran, Thuy Xuan Cao, Nhi Thi Yen Tran, Ngoc Duc Vu
: 10.15578/squalen.946 | Abstract views : 128 times |
Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Suaeda maritima from Karangantu Waters, Serang-Indonesia
Rufnia Ayu Afifah, Siti Zachro Nurbani, Muhamad Yusup, Mohammad Sayuti
: 10.15578/squalen.887 | Abstract views : 117 times |
Tornanda Syaifullah, Ari Saptono, Dedi Purwana, Hamidah Hamidah
: 10.15578/squalen.1021 | Abstract views : 65 times |