Nanochitosan from Manufacture Shells of Mud Crab (Scylla sp.) and Its Application as Acne Patch

Novi Luthfiyana, Putri Wening Ratrinia, Nusaibah Nusaibah, Mutia Khoirun Nisa


Chitosan is a potential raw material for marine cosmetics with antibacterial,
anti-inflammatory properties and can stimulate collagen synthesis in the
skin. This research aimed to obtain nano-sized chitosan (nanochitosan) from
mud crab (Scylla sp.) shells and apply it as a cosmetic acne patch. The
parameters used to characterize nanochitosan are particle size, polydispersity
index, zeta potential and morphology. Meanwhile, the parameters of the Acne
patch produced are characterized by physical appearance and ance bacterial
activity. The results revealed that nanochitosan had an average size of 35.20
±1.66 nm, the highest intensity of 11.70±1.25, polydispersity of 0.274±0.10,
and zeta potential of 42.9±1.41 mV. The morphology of nanochitosan is in the
form of broken rods, not hollow and irregular but uniform. Its elements include
carbon, oxygen, magnesium, aluminum, phosphorus, and calcium. The acne
patches resulting from the addition of 0 mg (K0), 50 mg (K1), 100 mg (K2),
and 150 mg (K3) were opaque white, slightly transparent, smooth, elastic,
and odorless. The thickness varies, namely, 0.014 ± 0.002 mm (K0), 0.017 ±
0.002 mm (K1), 0.022 ± 0.004 mm (K2), and 0.031 ± 0.005 mm (K3). The
weight variations were 0.019 ± 0.001 mg (K0), 0.026 ± 0.005 mg (K1), 0.033
± 0.002 mg (K2), and 0.047 ± 0.013 mg (K3). The moisture loss varied,
namely, 7.525 ± 0.054% (K0), 3.201 ± 0.487% (K1), 2.741 ± 0.279% (K2), and
2.017 ± 0.290% (K3). Acne patches K1, K2, and K3 were proven to be able to
inhibit the activity of acne bacteria Propionibacterium acnes (9.5 ± 0.25 mm,
10.67 ± 0.76 mm, and 9.17 ± 0.76 mm), Staphylococcus epidermidis (9.33 ±
1.15 mm, 13.67 ± 2.02 mm, and 8.67 ± 1.89 mm), and S. aureus (10.33 ±
0.25 mm, 11.83 ± 0.76 mm, and 8.66 ± 0.76 mm). This research succeeded
in obtaining chitosan from crab shells (Scylla sp) in nano size and acne
patches with the addition of nanochitosan effectively inhibited the growth of
acne bacteria.


bacterial acne; chitosan; nanoparticles; physicochemistry

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